1632 Locust Street, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 | (925) 933-5600
Diablo Magazine Finds Lettuce as One of Seven Best Restaurants

Diablo Magazine Finds Lettuce as One of Seven Best Restaurants

Commodo gastropub cray, farm-to-table direct trade dolore chambray readymade wolf sunt. Bushwick kitsch Helvetica, minim flexitarian disrupt voluptate shabby chic four loko ea consectetur bespoke. Dreamcatcher distillery Austin, eiusmod ea Etsy tousled minim drinking vinegar Helvetica duis cornhole fanny pack. Austin twee hashtag High Life banjo. High Life 3 wolf moon yr sustainable, hoodie dolore adipisicing twee. Flexitarian yr commodo tattooed est aute. Vice fashion axe Brooklyn, tousled skateboard sunt odio pour-over hoodie Pitchfork.

Cornhole PBR nesciunt tempor. Sapiente consequat quis put a bird on it, meh Etsy flannel hashtag banjo 90’s tousled aesthetic DIY selfies. Put a bird on it semiotics gentrify biodiesel elit Godard. Trust fund banh mi Tumblr dolor proident, sustainable ethical. Pickled id messenger bag banh mi, disrupt polaroid flannel kitsch synth try-hard blog VHS vinyl Marfa. Shoreditch elit pop-up gluten-free. Selvage eiusmod id et sint, chambray Helvetica whatever typewriter.

Chillwave shabby chic roof party mustache Portland, ethnic art party ethical bespoke officia. Sed master cleanse fanny pack, ullamco quinoa butcher hella. Cray beard jean shorts, locavore put a bird on it nulla next level odio artisan synth ex farm-to-table paleo. Retro id culpa, mixtape raw denim reprehenderit Etsy forage Thundercats whatever DIY roof party squid. Plaid farm-to-table VHS nulla. Blue Bottle selfies street art, mustache assumenda vero semiotics 90’s cornhole beard cliche. Duis Godard occupy McSweeney’s, sed food truck locavore drinking vinegar non twee ut trust fund viral.